Throughout this semester I was assigned to a group to read one specific book that we had to pick out of a bunch of books. After reading the topics of each book I was really drawn into the willpower instinct. What really drew me in was the title itself, “The Willpower Instinct: How Self Control Works, why it Matters, and What You Can DO to Get More of It.” More specifically the part where it says,” How Self Control Work.” This book was really interesting to read because not only does each chapter tell you about different things about will-power and the different components of will power but it also gives some tips and tricks and some experiments that people can try out. This book helps people who are struggling with procrastination, addiction and people who cannot resist and caving into something. That is why I found this book really helpful to me because I struggle a lot with procrastination a lot and some of the techniques that this book gave me and told me to try out really worked. I also really enjoyed how it gave a more in depth description of what will power really is and how it works and anyone can change and get will power.

The last chapter that I really enjoyed reading was chapter 6, " What The Hell: How Feeling Bad Leads to Giving In." This chapter focuses on how people who feel bad cave into things. I found this chapter very interesting because I give in so much when I feel bad. Usually it takes people a little bit for them to start to feel bad for someone before they cave in but, for me I give in very easily. For example, in my work place I feel bad for everyone who just asks me to do something for them. I feel bad that if I say no to them then they will have to be stuck with the task that no one wants to do and I get to get out of that task Scott free. It makes me really stressed though giving in because it just makes me look like a push over and then I am constantly doing tasks for people because I can not say no. That is exactly what this book describes and explains about when giving in. It explains how it is stressful when you feel bad and give in. Some of the exercises in this book helped me think about why I was caving in and try and use will power to say no. Trying not to feel guilty by saying no to people and walking away and not thinking about it. I will be using these techniques whenever I start caving in.
I am really glad that i chose this book to read because not only did it give me more information about will power and the background information of it but, it gave me many exercises and techniques that I could use throughout my life to give me the will power not to cave in, procrastinate, or be tempted to do anything. I highly recommend this book to read for anyone who is struggling in their life to get over some of these struggles that they are dealing with or even in general if you are bored and need something to read, this book gives great information about willpower if someone might need it down the road. There was not anything in this book that I disliked but, I really enjoyed how it did not focus on one set of willpower. I liked how this book explained willpower, gave different examples of willpower, and then how it happens to mostly everyone.
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