Monday, July 12, 2010


Motivation is the key to survival and success. When we are hungry are motivated to eat, when we are thirsty we are motivated to drink. Motivation is the push toward the goal, also known as the incentive. Motivation is the driving force behind every action and sometimes we are not even aware of why and how we are being motibated. Our bodies,emotions, personalities are contributing factors to the decisions that we make. The main motivator for our body is homeostasis. Homeostasis is the term used to describe the constant conditions maintained by the body. When we expose our bodies to drugs we flood our brains with dopamine, which is chemical related to pleasure. The feeling of euphoria and the negative feelings that occur when the drug is no longer present in our bodies, also known as withdrawal, motivate people to continue to use them. People also gamble and excessively excercise to feel the same effects. Our emotions are reinforcement to either continue to do something or to let it go. An emotion also serves as cognitive signaler by influencing the cognitive system in appraisal of the changing situation. According to the appraisal tendency hypothesis, a specific emotion influences cogitive judgements in a manner congruent with the emotion's affective feeling. Motivation is the core of human evolution and will continue to serve as the ultimate driving source of each individual.

Sometimes people don't even realize that they're being motivated. A motivator that people often don't consider is their mood. A mood is a subjective experiences similar to, but not identical with, emotion. They tend to be less intense and last for a longer amount of time than emotions do. Our moods are affected by hour of the day, day of the week and the season of the year. moods are clasified as either positively valenced or negatively valenced affect. Moods help to influence people's desires in the moment. If someone is in a postive mood, they are more likely to feel motivated to move and be productive. When people are in a negative mood they tend o want to be less active and less social. My mood has a strong influence on what I will accomplish throughout the day. If I am feling energetic and happy I am ready to take on whatever comes my way. When I'm in a negative mood I let it get the best of me. I become rude and uncaring, I tend to hur people's feeling and feel no remorse. In all actuality I tend to be in a negative mood more often, especially in the winter time. I now understand that this mood change is not something that only i experience. I believe that I have seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is characterized mostly by depression in the winter ue to lack of sunlight. My mood changes my outlook and therefore changes my outcome.

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