Monday, August 1, 2022

post2 Drug use and personality dispositions

Different personality dispositions are related to individuals drug experimentation, use, and addiction. 

Impulsiveness can be described as the tendency to act without thought and with no awareness of consequences. Impulsiveness is a character disposition that can make someone more susceptible to drug use. Those with this trait have a higher sensitivity to the effects of drugs and less recognition to the consequences. They will have less self-control and be more likely to get into the pattern of drug use resulting in addiction

Reward deficiency is another major personality disposition that can result in drug addiction. Reward deficiency refers to the brain being less sensitive to dopamine. When dopamine is released people feel a sense of meaning and pleasure, and many people can achieve this reward simply by doing physical activities, spending time with someone they love, spending time in nature, listening to music, etc. Those with reward deficiency do not feel that fulfillment from ordinary pleasurable activities. Because their brain is less sensitive to dopamine, they will seek more intense pleasures like drug use. 

This YouTube video by Dr. Todd Grande talks about impulsivity and its negative impact on an individual's behaviors. Dr. Todd says drug use is the first disorder commonly discussed when speaking of impulsivity. Not only does this video go more in-depth as to why impulsivity can lead to drug use, it also touches upon sensation seeking aligning with reward deficiency. Furthermore, it directly relates to this class in a broader view because it narrows in on impulsivities relation to ones motivation, negative habits, and personality traits. 

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