The motivation to accomplish something has always been a touch and go process for me. After a troubled childhood of family turmoil and other personal issues I have had very little self confidence. The people I surrounded myself with, though good people, had similar issues to my own or were going through their own problems. Losing my father at a young age and watching my family and friends go through such rough times made me question life it self. Though I had dreams of my own, I had not quite figured them out and didn't see the point if it all comes to an end. I was not eating or sleeping properly which had a severe effect on my health, physical and mental energy. As time went by I saw a few family members and friends accomplish degrees, good careers, and happy families. That was my push.
If they could be happy, healthy, and successful then so could I. The majority of the people I was surrounding myself with had such a pessimistic view of life and wallowed in self pity and negativity. Even though they were smart people, I noticed they mainly lacked the confidence and motivation to accomplish their goals. I decided I'm not going to make the same mistake. I decided to take a positive outlook on life.I began eating healthy, exercising, and sleeping better. This also helped me study harder and work toward my career. I also started meeting new people and trying new things. I became motivated to be as successful as i can be and enjoy life as much as possible.
Even though I miss him, I now look at my father's death and my family's struggles as a lesson that we are only given one life and you might as well make the best of it while you have it. If I die tomorrow I want to know that my life had meaning. I want to know that I did whatever I could to make the best of it. Now I am becoming more confident. I am motivated to have the good life that I thought was impossible or pointless. I have dreams of a degree and aspirations to help people in any way I can. Finding my happy ending and helping others find theirs is my pull.
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