Friday, November 18, 2011

The lucky and the unlucky

This great article by Richard Wiseman speaks the truth in terms of how lucky and unlucky people differ in their ways of perception. Wiseman's experiment clearly showed that the everyday, common superstitions we believe in to produce good luck are false ideas that do no contribute to the emergence of luck within one's life. Rather, luck stems from how that individual perceives a situation; is the glass half-empty or half-full? Wiseman's study seemed to indicate that the less lucky, or unlucky people perceived their situation as being half-empty, while the more lucky, or lucky individuals perceive their situation as being half-full, making this a clear difference into how our own brain psychology comes into play in producing favorable or unfavorable circumstances.

I could not agree more with Wiseman's message; one who is determined to alter their luck into something more positive must focus on positive outcomes and positive remedies to their current situation if it is in need of improvement. Relying on superstitious beliefs is not only unreliable in terms of luck, it is an ancient, non-contemporary view of how luck was originally perceived to be obtained, something that has been proven to be untrue by today's standards. In essence, with a good mindset comes good luck!

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