Friday, August 4, 2023

Grit book report

    The book that I chose for my book report is Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. The book explains how grit is about the combination of perseverance and passion. What makes people who have grit different than those who don’t is that they have determination and direction. Duckworth talks about studies in which she makes people take the grit scale test and from that she is able to differentiate people into two groups; one who have grit and the other who don’t. The book gives many ways to grow grit. Instead of success being determined by talent, it is determined by grit. Passion and perseverance are more important for success rather than talent. People with grit have these assets in common: interest, practice, purpose, and hope. Duckworth says that grit is something that you can grow. It is not something that people either have or don’t. The four components can be achieved by learning them. 

         My favorite part of the book was when Duckworth talked about goal hierarchy. I thought that it very interesting to read about the low-level, mid-level and top-level goals in a hierarchy. The lower-level goals are flexible and are short term goals. The lower-level goal moves you toward the higher-level goals. The highest-level goal is the ultimate goal with the most importance. It is what the lower-level goals help lead up to. The top-level goal is the end while the lower-level goals serve as means to ends. The goal hierarchy relates to the book Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing. The highest-level goal of Shackleton and his crew was to survive after the ship was crushed. The lower-level goals consisted of finding things to eat to ultimately reach their top-level goal of surviving. 

         Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance is related to the Incentives google slides. In the book, it talks about how Carol Dweck performed a study on middle school kids who were “helpless” when it came to their studies. Carol split the students among two groups. One group being the success only program while the other group was the attribution retaining program. In the success only program, the students were praised for completing math problems no matter the number of questions that they had completed. In the attribution retaining program, the students were told that they did not solve enough math problems and how they should try harder. All of the students from both groups were then given math problems consisting of both hard and easy questions. The students in the success only program gave up on the hard questions as they had before and the students in the attribution retaining program tried harder when they got to the difficult questions. The students in the attribution retaining program saw failure as a reason to work harder on the difficult questions rather than thinking that they lacked the skills to succeed. This example from the book relates to the incentives google slides. The students in the attribution retaining program showed intrinsic motivation because of their effort. The questions were hard, but they did not give up because solving them would give them a sense of accomplishment.  

Grit is a motivational book and the information obtained from the book can be used in everyday life for students. Many students may have low motivation and may think that they can’t be successful. This book shows that success is not based off of talent. It is based off of grit. Not only that, but grit can also be developed. You can learn how to achieve grit and succeed in life. This book will teach students that success is based off of having passion and perseverance.

This is a video that I enjoyed watching about grit. 

This is a good definition about what grit is. 



Duckworth, A. (2018). Grit: The power of passion and perseverance. Collins. 

Gabby. (n.d.). Dance builds grit. Elite Dance Academy. 

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