Thursday, August 6, 2020

Post #3: Incentives

I really love the topic "Incentives" because they are used frequently and in every day life. Every action has an associating behavior which leads to a positive, negative or neutral consequence. Our choices on an individual level and the government/society on a worldwide level are driven by incentives. 

Many people are positively and negatively reinforced each day without even recognizing it. Reinforcers increase the frequency of a behavior. For example, if you decide to take out the trash on a whim and you mother acknowledges your hard work around the house, you are more likely to increase this behavior; the compliment becomes desirable. This is a classic example of positive reinforcement, which gives us an incentive to continue our behavior. We are easily negatively reinforced as well. Ever took ibuprofen or Tylenol for a massive headache? That is a classic example of negative reinforcement as you are increasing the behavior of pill swallowing to TAKE AWAY the pounding, throbbing headache. 

Intrinsic and extrinsic behaviors play a great factor in the incentive world as well. You can be either intrinsically motivated to perform a task, which means that the motivation is drawn from your own inquisitiveness and willing to learn, or extrinsically motivated to do something, which typically involves primary or secondary gains such as food, water, stickers or prizes. However, this concept is not as straightforward as it might appear as many people are driven by both. For example, an adult is deciding on taking up a job offer. They might love their profession and be intrinsically motivated to work for their own purposes but the incentive involving a paycheck might be the extrinsic motivating factor that make or breaks the deal. While extrinsic incentives tend to decrease already intrinsic desires and interests, incentives can help maintain or increase performance as seen in the example above.

The video below takes a unique view on incentive's and how video games are the perfect example of this. It is extremely relatable and contains many side facts (such as an analogy regarding poverty) that brings the topic together. 

1 comment:

  1. Many people are positively and negatively reinforced each day without even recognizing it.Reinforces has to power to increase or decrease the frequency in behavior. Intrinsically reinforcements comes from your interests or inquisitiveness and extrinsically is drawn from your primary like food and water and secondary enforcement like money and prizes. The video was a nice touch for people like who are visual learners, who understand the power of imagery has when it comes to context and comprehension.
