Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Temporal Motivation Theory & Reinforcement by Rewards

The Temporal Motivation Theory is a very logical way to explain motivation or procrastination. It states that motivation= expectancy x value / impulsiveness x delay. This is formula answers part of the main reason I decided to take this class. I have very little motivation when it comes to doing almost anything that isn’t fun, and I am a major procrastinator. I try to and want to start things early, so that I am not stressed, but I never seen to be able to bring myself to do it.  

The factor, value, is explained as how rewarding the outcome is, and I realized, though I value the things I do, I do not find them very rewarding. I was going to ask the class what they would suggest doing to make actions more rewarding, so if anyone wants to answer that, it might help someone with their levels of motivation. But unfortunately, it will not help me become more motivated. I realized my lack of motivation is due to a medical condition in which my body does not produce enough endogenous opioids. Endogenous opioids regulate reward and motivation. So, though I may find the things I do to be very valuable, I do not feel very rewarded by accomplishing them. Therefore, my actions are not well reinforced. 

Below is a figure that lists the physiological functions of the opioid system. 




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