Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Post 2 - The Many Details Behind Food Neophobia

 Food neophobia is known as the the tendency to avoid many foods, and prefer to stick to familiar foods they are more comfortable with. It is said that for women, genetics are the main factor in causing food neophobia, whilst for men, environmental factors are more likely to cause it (Rousseau, 2016). Between the ages of two-nine, children who experience this phobia eat fewer fruits and fewer vegetables, both variety and quantity. However, if the child is introduced to a new food before the phobia begins, they are more likely to eat the food. (Rousseau, 2016). 

While food neophobia is highly common in children, it can also be shown in come cases in adults. This can be caused from adults who restrict their diet to new similar products and refuse to eat any new food items (Rehm, n.d). However, the adult will then suffer from deficiencies and often from social exclusion(Rehm, n.d). 

The below link is a youtube video from ABC News, this gives a great insight into more details about food neophobia. 


References - 

Rehm, C. (n.d.). Food neophobia. alimentarium. Retrieved July 26, 2022, from https://www.alimentarium.org/en/knowledge/food-neophobia-0 

Rousseau, N. (2016, November 9). What is food neophobia? Fondation Louis Bonduelle. Retrieved July 26, 2022, from https://www.fondation-louisbonduelle.org/en/getting-kids-to-like-vegetables/what-is-food-neophobia/ 


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