Many people are motoivated to lose wieght because of many reasons. Most people do it because the are insecure with themselves and they want to change their physical apearence. Others are influenced to lose wieght because of health issues. People who are influenced to lose wieght because of physical appearences is either because they are comparing themselves to what society portrays through the media as a norm and they feel inferior to people displayed in magazines and on television to the point that they begin to critique themselves to these people. Many men in America take steriods because they are desperate to gain muscle and become physically fit like men portrayed in the media, they believe women would like them more if they have more muscle. Most woman take dietary supplements because they feel over wieght when they compare themselves to these models and actresses. In all actuality none of these people are displayed in the media are normal in fact they are of the minority. I believe if people stop comparing themselves to the media and focus on what makes them comfortable they will become more secure with themselves and apply confidence in their everyday life.
I believe all people should be comfortable in their skin as you say because America is a melting pot mixed with a variety of people. But the media plays a big role in people lives even if you don't want it to. The media sets trends, tell you whats popular, whats the best food whether healthy/unhealthy, and what weight you should be. Some people kill themselves trying to be like the girls/men on TV and try to do it the fast way. So as long as your confident it shouldn't matter because there is always a person for everyone.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree. Media has a huge influence on society. Why can't there be a magazine out there that doesn't have a single photo-shopped picture? In reality, normal people don't look like that, which is shown in the media.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good post. i agree with everything that was said. I know people that actually sit there and take steroids just to look "cool." and then they lie about it. People should just be themselves.
ReplyDeleteGreat Posting, We need to stop trying to be ken and barbie and be yourself. You need to love the person you are. Thats what real counts!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis post is so true. It starts early. Young girls want to look so much like the women in magazines and are not old enough to understand that the pictures are photoshoped. The media needs to promote natural looking women and men so that young girls and boys don't have such a high standard to live up to.
ReplyDeleteGood post. The way someone looks seems to be so important to many people. It seems as if sometimes people will stop at nothing to look good.